Sound Bowl Healing

I have been a student of yoga for over 30 years and teaching for 20 years. For the past three decades, I have been on a quest to dig deep into philosophy, meditation, pranayama (breath practice) and asana (the physical practice of yoga. Two years ago, I opened Align Yoga Studio with the intention and dream to share my love of yoga with our community. Today, I teach group classes, private sessions, private small groups and have recently added sound bowl healing.

Over a year ago, I had my first sound bath experience. Lying there, awash in sound and vibration, my entire body filled with the same elation of joy, love and homecoming I felt when I first discovered yoga at age 17. In that moment, I knew sound bowl healing was going to be a part of my journey. It was something I wanted to share with others!

Sound, as a form of healing, has long been used in various forms by many cultures across the world. Science has demonstrated that frequencies are the basis of the universe. Our lives are a reflection of our energy. Our energy fields vibrate in different ways as we go about our day depending on the flow of thoughts and emotions. Peace, love, joy, gratitude and compassion all emit high vibrational frequencies. Emotions such as guilt, shame, anger, resentment, and jealousy all vibrate at low levels. Sound healing can help keep our energy fields vibrant and bright.

When you are surrounded by healing frequencies, it is like floating in a body of water, weightless and supported. Our bodies soften and relax. We are guided to focus on the sound and our breath which quiets our minds and draws us inward to our deep heart center. This is where the true potential for healing can occur. You may experience a deep dive into the vastness of your heart. It is here, treasure unfolds. Like focusing on mantra or breath in meditation practice, sound provides a focus for your mind. It provides a doorway into present moment awareness.

The benefits of sound healing are numerous. Experts in the fields of music and health have discovered that the sounds emitted from high-quality bowls create sacred spiral energy in the form of a frequency. This frequency calms the mind, elevates the meditation experience, brings balance to the human energy system, cleanses the auric field, awakens creativity and expands consciousness. As the vibration echoes around you, it is received by every cell in your body. Spiritually, the vibration offers a doorway into expansion toward higher levels of consciousness, awareness and transformation. On a physical level, sound healing has been reported to help lower stress, induce relaxation, lower blood pressure, decrease anxiety, aid in digestion and ease pain and depression.

Sound can offer a beautiful modality of healing. Sound healing should be experienced firsthand to comprehend and grasp the mystical, physical and scientific properties of the sound bowl experience. If you're interested in trying a sound bath, I now offer group and private sound healings and yoga /sound fusion classes at Align Yoga Studio as well as collaborations with others in the community to deliver the gift of healing. I believe there is a treasure waiting for you to discover through sound bowl healing!


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