How Chakras Bring Balance to Your Life

Balance: something we all need, long for, and strive to achieve - work-life/ home-life balance, a balanced diet, balance of mind, body, heart, and soul needs. Our bodies are equipped with systems of checks and balances. Every organ system and physiological process working to create homeostasis. Chakras are one such system capable of restoring balance.

There is plenty of “chakra talk” in the world - perhaps you’ve heard them referred to in a yoga class, energy healing session or you’ve seen the beautiful rainbow of colors displayed by artwork of the seven most well-known Chakras. What is a Chakra? The full answer to that question is a dive so deep, it could not be answered in a single article. I have long been fascinated by the Chakras and what follows is my humble attempt to shed light on the depths of this wondrous subject.

The word Chakra comes from the ancient Sanskrit term “wheel of light” and refers to the energy around and within all life forms. The Chakra system is a model for the flow of energy that runs through the human energy system. It is like a ladder that takes us from the physical realm of substance up through the workings of the higher mind and spirit and into the realm of Divine Consciousness. While we have far more than seven Chakras, there are seven that are most widely known and referred to. They are from number 1 to 7: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow, and Crown.

The first chakra, Root, or in Sanskrit, Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine. Its element is Earth and its color is red, this chakra is considered the most dense and sets the foundation for the ladder stepping upward along the chakra path from earth to the cosmos. The Root Chakra correlates to bones, nails, and teeth and is primarily concerned with self-preservation, safety, security, and believing in the goodness of life and that you are worthy of that goodness. If out of balance, one could suffer victimhood - feeling separate from the whole, uprooted or threatened and living from a place of scarcity versus abundance. Affirmations for the Root Chakra are I am safe. I know I am truly good, I am vibrant and vital, I will survive. I trust in the goodness of life to carry me through.

The second chakra, Sacral or Svadhishthana, is located below the navel in the lower sacrum. The color associated with the Sacral Chakra is orange and the element is water. This chakra dictates our relationship with pleasure and abundance and is our center of creativity. Positive attributes are overall well-being, being capable of nurturing your body, feeling worthy of pleasure and self-care. The correlating organs are the reproductive organs, bladder, and kidneys. Underdeveloped or out of balance one may feel cut off from pleasure and joy. Powerful affirmations for the Sacral Chakra are: I am creative. I allow pleasure and goodness into my life. I honor my feelings and allow my feelings to move freely. I honor my body and treat myself with respect.

The Solar Plexus or Manipura is the third chakra. Manipura is located below the sternum, its element is fire, and the color associated is yellow. The organs associated are the endocrine glands, pancreas, and adrenals. Manipura is said to be the seat of power, fire, joy, confidence, and courage in the body. A positive archetype for Manipura is The Warrior, an empowered person with a definitive sense of self, inner strength, confidence, courage & resilience. Out of balance, a person’s identity may be anchored in the physical/outside world where they constantly seek approval from others as they are unable to give themselves the affirmation they need. Affirming statements for Manipura are: I am a Warrior. I am worth my weight in gold. I am worthy of love, respect, and kindness. I know I am a powerful and wholesome, force for good.

The Heart Chakra or Anahata is number four. It is located at the deep heart center, associated with the air element and the colors green, pink or rose gold. When the Heart Chakra is in balance, we feel grounded and centered in the heart, able to give and receive love & forgiveness. If this chakra is out of balance, the tendency is to close our hearts and perhaps withhold love or love based on condition. Yoga and practices such as meditation and pranayama encourage us to remain open to tenderness and vulnerability. Affirmations for the Heart Chakra are: I am love. I love myself and others unconditionally. Love and joy are the very foundation of life. My core is pure and innocent, nothing can touch my soul except love itself.

Number five, the Throat Chakra or Vishuddha, is our center of communication and expression. The color associated with the Throat Chakra is blue and the element is Akasha, space, or ether. This is the area where higher spiritual energy is channeled into the body. In balance, we are capable of open and truthful communication. We are skilled at putting words to feelings, standing up for what we believe in, and setting healthy boundaries. Positive mantras for this chakra are: I am honest. I live in my truth. Communication is vital to my well-being. My integrity is my word and my word is my truth. I express love and goodness each time I speak.

Number six, The Brow Chakra or Anja. The color is indigo and the related element is the Cosmos. Anja is located between the eyebrows and governs the functions of the Pituitary Gland. This is our center of intuition and clairvoyance. As we develop the Brow Chakra we can deeply attune to our inner knowing, achieve better mental clarity and be better able to access our internal guidance. Powerful statements of affirmation for this chakra are: I know. I open myself to know my inner guidance and deepest wisdom. I am wise, intuitive, and aligned with my highest good.

Crown Chakra: Sahasrara is located at the crown of your head. Balanced and open, a person has a deep understanding of their purpose and who they are. They feel unity with Grace, beauty, and a oneness and wholeness with all that is. A closed or less developed Sahasrara, one may feel they are separate from the greater whole of existence and therefore feel cut off and detached. Affirmations to help amplify the Crown Chakra are: I am. I am on the right path and Divinely Guided. I honor all people, all religions, and all Spiritual Paths, they all lead to God. I am grateful for all the good things and people in my life.

In essence, the Chakras are a fascinating set of very powerful energetic wheels of energy that are full of pure potential and possibility for healing and growth for each of us. Combining the physical practice of yoga, breathwork and mediation can help stimulate, activate and bring the chakras into better alignment and therefore bring better balance into our lives.

A lifelong student of yoga, two years ago, I opened Align Yoga Studio with the intention and dream to share my love of yoga with our community. Namaste.


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